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Our successes

Mother, father, and daughter in virtual appointment

Fulfilling the dream of creating loved children for as many people as possible - that is our greatest wish. That is why our most important accolades are our number of satisfied patients. Here you can gain an insight into the history of our TFP families and view the most important key data of the centre.

Experiences of our couples

We regularly assess how we are doing by asking our patients to fill a questionnaire regarding their experience. We recognise that not everyone is always content with their treatment and we take these comments seriously. Each one is reviewed to see how we can improve our service.

Hand holding baby feet, plants growing, woman smiling

Success rates

Success rates play a major part in helping many patients choose which clinic to attend. We strongly encourage all patients to review success rates before choosing their clinic.

virtual appointment, doctor smiling

Patient stories

Fertility treatment is a tough journey and sometimes it’s good to hear from others who have gone through the experience themselves.

baby and IVF

Leave a review

The HFEA (Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority) now gives patients the opportunity to rate and review licensed clinics based on their experiences, helping others to decide on which clinic to have treatment with.

a baby girl wearing a dress and laughing
TFP Fertility clinic first time consultation
TFP Fertility clinic events

Ready to start your fertility journey? We're here for you

Speak to our patient support team for advice about your options and to book your first consultation with a fertility expert.