Many women want to avoid the use of fertility drugs, often due to an existing medical condition, and thus undergo a different type of fertility treatment. We offer the widest range of treatments, from mild IVF to in vitro maturation (IVM). We can work with you to advise which is the best option for your needs.
TFP offers mild IVF, which can be tailored closely to your ovarian activity and your individual needs. You take lower dose injections over a shorter period, minimising any discomfort and reducing the overall cost of medication. Another advantage is a reduced risk of ovarian hyperstimulation.
The main difference compared with IVF is that IVM doesn’t involve the use of stimulatory fertility drugs. Instead, eggs are collected from the ovaries while they are still immature. They are then grown in a laboratory for one to two days before being fertilised and replaced into the womb.
Mild IVF and IVM are particularly suitable for people who prefer to avoid taking fertility drugs or who are at increased risk of complications of the drugs due to an existing medical condition, such as the one in twenty women who has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). IVM doesn’t stimulate the ovaries at all, which means there is no risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), which women with PCOS have a much greater chance of experiencing and which sometimes requires hospital admission.
However, both mild IVF and IVM do not produce as many embryos and so currently sees lower success rates per cycle. Every patient is unique, and we can work with you to discuss your needs and success rates, to develop the right care for you. As all treatment options ranging from mild IVF, IVM and conventional IVF are available in one place, TFP is best placed to advise and help you decide the treatment for you.
Mild IVF and IVM are cheaper than IVF for the simple reason that either fewer or no fertility drugs are required. These drugs can cost up to £2,000, which contributes to the higher cost of IVF.
While IVM is safer, simpler and cheaper than IVF, it is around half as successful per cycle. This means that, for women under 35, the chance of having a baby is around 40% with one IVF cycle and 20% with IVM. However, for many women, it may be a more attractive ‘natural’ alternative.
Speak to our patient support team for advice about your options and to book your first consultation with a fertility expert.