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Build your family using a donor

Build your family using a donor

Your donor conception journey with TFP Fertility

At TFP Fertility, we understand the importance of family and we're dedicated to helping you achieve your dreams of parenthood no matter what it takes. For some, this journey requires additional assistance.

Through our comprehensive donation programme, we're supporting those who are building their families using donor eggs or sperm. We ensure the highest standards of care, confidentiality and support to make your journey to parenthood as seamless as possible.

Is donor conception right for me?

For many people, their journey to parenthood would not be possible without the help of a donor. From those struggling with infertility to LGBTQ+ couples, we've thousands of people build their family using donor eggs or sperm.

Some likely scenarios that require the use of an egg or sperm donor include:

  • Those not producing eggs or sperm of their own

  • Those whose eggs or sperm are unlikely to result in a pregnancy

  • Same-sex couples

  • Single people pursuing solo parenthood

  • Those at risk of passing on a genetic disease

fertility treatment for over 40

How to find your donor

If you're thinking about building your family with the help of a donor, the first step is knowing where to find one that's right for you.

One way of finding a donor is through a licensed fertility clinic; this ensures all of the necessary medical and legal processes are in place so that your treatment is safe and has the best possible chances of success.

TFP fertility clinic donor bank

1. Choose from your clinic's donation bank

Some fertility clinics have their own donation banks with catalogues of egg and sperm donors for you to choose from. Waiting lists for donors can be lengthy so it's essential to check the current wait times before making a commitment to ensure the estimated wait time aligns with your treatment.

Using a know egg donor

2. Use a known donor

Some people are fortunate to have a friend or family member willing to be their donor. If you wish to use a known donor, they must undergo the same stringent testing as anonymous donors to ensure they are suitable to donate. Additionally, there are restrictions on mixing sperm and eggs between close relatives. Get in touch to find out how this works.

Use a sperm donor online

3. Find donor eggs or sperm online

You can purchase donor eggs and sperm from accredited donation banks online and have it shipped to your chosen clinic for treatment. You must ensure your sources are credible and meet the medical and legal requirements for donation. You should also confirm the cost of purchasing and shipping your eggs/sperm before proceeding.

Donor conception FAQs

What are the risks of using a donor?

When purchasing sperm through a licensed fertility clinic, there are few risks to worry about. Your care is our priority; we ensure your safety and legal protection so that your fertility journey is as seamless as possible.

At TFP Fertility, all prospective donors are screened for serious illnesses, infections (including STIs) or genetic diseases that pose a risk to either the birth mother or potential future children. We'll also ensure all of the correct processes are in place and paperwork is filled out to guarantee consent and legal parenthood.

Does the donor have any rights to conceived children?

In the event that you achieve a pregnancy with donor eggs or sperm you may be wondering about any rights the donor has to future children. If you choose a donor through a licensed fertility clinic in the UK, they will have no legal rights or responsibilities to any children born as a result of their donation. This means that:

  • They won’t be required to financially support the child in any way

  • They will not be named on the birth certificate

  • They won’t have the right to say how the child will be raised

It is important to know that if you do not choose a donor from a licensed clinic and try another route instead, there is a risk that they will be considered a parent in the eyes of the law. This means that they will have all the rights and responsibilities that parenting a child brings. As you can tell, how you find a donor and who you choose can have a significant impact on the future.

What can I find out about a potential donor?

Many people wonder how much information they can find out about a donor before they go ahead with fertility treatment. In the UK, there is a limit to the information you can find out. However, your fertility clinic will be able to provide you with the following information about your donor:

  • The donor’s age

  • A physical description (height, eye colour, hair colour and weight)

  • Ethnicity

  • Whether they have had any children already and how many

A donor’s anonymity is of the utmost importance in the UK. Therefore, you won’t be able to find out any personal information that may reveal their identity.

Can you pay a donor in the UK?

In the UK, it is illegal to pay someone for their egg and sperm donation. This means that those donating sperm, eggs or embryos are doing so for reasons other than financial gain.

Donors can, however, be compensated for any expenses accrued during their donation. This can be used to cover things like travel, accommodation and any loss of earnings. A sperm donor can receive up to £45 per clinic visit during their donation whilst egg donors are entitled to up to £985 per donation cycle.

How do you manage donations to your bank?

Putting your trust in the TFP Fertility donor bank

When you choose your egg or sperm donor through TFP Fertility, your health and wellbeing is our number one priority and we do our utmost to ensure your legal and medical protections throughout the process.

This means all of our donors are subject to stringent medical testing and genetic screening. Not only does this ensure our patients are matched to their perfect donor, we can be confident there are no serious medical conditions or inherited diseases that could be passed onto the birth mother or any children conceived.

10-family limit

We also adhere to the UKs 10-family limit. That means that any one of our donors can only donate to a maximum of 10 families.

Purchasing samples from other banks

To help meet the needs of our patients, we may buy in samples from other licensed donor banks or fertility clinics but we do so with a high level of caution, ensuring those that are purchased meet the same legal and medical requirements as those from our own donor programmes.

You should know that the eggs and sperm donated to TFP Fertility via our donor programmes are reserved for TFP Fertility patients and will not be resold to other banks or fertility clinics. Though rare, the exception to this would be in the instance that a patient has had successful treatment using a donor with us and wishes to purchase additional samples so that they may try for a biological sibling at another clinic.

Choosing a donor elsewhere

Of course, patients are free to purchase eggs or sperm from other accredited sources and there is also the option of using a known donor. We can help talk you through these options so that you can decide the one that's right for you.

If you have any concerns or further questions, please get in touch

Donor conception resources

TFP Fertility clinic first time consultation
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