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Meet our team at TFP GCRM Fertility

There are many people involved in your care and your team is made up of highly trained and qualified IVF and fertility specialists. Here are the profiles of some people you might meet before, during and after your treatment.

Patient hero
Frances Todd

Frances Todd

General Manager

Dr Marco Gaudoin

Dr Marco Gaudoin

Medical Director

Dr Clement Tay

Dr Clement Tay

Consultant Gynaecologist and Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine

Dr Richard Anderson

Dr Richard Anderson


Marie Prince

Marie Prince

Counselling Service (Clinical Psychologist)

Nicole Gibson

Nicole Gibson

Lab Manager

Carrie Hutchison

Carrie Hutchison

Quality Manager


Let's change fertility care together.

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Ready to start your fertility journey? We're here for you

Speak to our patient support team for advice about your options and to book your first consultation with a fertility expert.