
TFP Belfast Fertility success rates

Success rates play a major part in helping many patients choose which clinic to attend. We strongly encourage all patients to review success rates before choosing their clinic.

At TFP Belfast Fertility, we have significant expertise in treating all forms of infertility and this is reflected in our success rates, regularly updated and published by the HFEA.

As a Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA) licensed clinic, we report all our figures to them and the data below relates to confirmed clinical pregnancies, where a fetal heartbeat is seen on ultrasound scan. If you are planning to undergo fertility treatment, you want to know that the clinic you have chosen has a good track record of success. You can compare success rates on each clinic’s website or on the HFEA website.

Our success rates are broken down by female age and treatment type. You can compare them to national benchmarks and other clinics by visiting the Choose a Fertility Clinic link on the HFEA website.

When choosing a clinic, it’s important to consider other factors and not to rely solely on success rates.

Think about other aspects that are important to you, like location, clinic rating, opening hours and the level of service provided. Please see the HFEA advice on choosing a clinic.

TFP Belfast Fertility success rates as reported on the HFEA website can be found here.

TFP Belfast Fertility Success Rates

IVF & ICSI clinical pregnancy results for cycles started Jan-Dec 2019

Using patients' own eggs and embryos (Source: HFEA)


Ongoing Clinical Pregnancy per Embryo transfer Procedure

Ongoing Clinical Pregnancy per Embryo transferred

Under 35

54 % (67/124)

48 % (67/141)

35 - 37

43 % (35/82)

35 % (35/100)

38 - 39

31 % (20/65)

22 % (20/93)

40 - 42

23 % (11/47)

15 % (11/73)

43 - 44

0 % (0/12)

0 % (0/18)

All ages

40 % (133/330)

31 % (133/425)

Figure 2: Clinical pregnancy rates per embryo transfer procedure & per embryo transferred for IVF & ICSI cycles started Jan- Dec 2019 using patients own eggs and embryos (Source: HFEA)

IVF & ICSI live birth rates

for cycles started Jan-Dec 2018 using patients' own eggs and embryos (Source: HFEA)

Female Age

Live Birth Rate (LBR)

National Average LBR

Under 35

47 % (73/155)

35 % (73/209)

35 - 37

28 % (30/109)

19 % (30/158)

38 - 39

23 % (17/75)

13 % (17/129)

40 - 42

8 % (4/51)

4 % (4/90)

43 - 44

11 % (1/9)

5 % (1/120)

All ages

31 % (125/399)

21 % (125/606)

Figure 4: Live birth rates per embryo transfer procedure & per embryo transferred for IVF & ICSI cycles started Jan-Dec 2018 using patients own eggs and embryos (Source: HFEA)

Understanding IVF/ICSI treatment success rates

It’s important to be cautious when using success rates as a basis of comparison between fertility clinics. HFEA provides excellent advice on how to interpret success rates and use them as an indication of a clinic’s performance. You can follow their advice here.

Per cycle started or per embryo transfer?

It is important to look for the success rates per cycle started when researching clinics as these figures will include all patients who started treatment, not only those who received an embryo transfer.

Live births, clinical pregnancy or positive pregnancy test?

Some clinics use their positive pregnancy test rates as an indication of success rather than clinical pregnancies. Reporting results in this way gives a misleadingly high rate of success as not all pregnancies progress to the stage of seeing a fetal heartbeat or live birth. In keeping with the HFEA regulations we only publish data relating to our live birth rate and clinical pregnancies once verified by the regulator.

IVF comparison tables

When interpreting comparison data, it is important to ensure that there is a detailed explanation of the raw data and it uses like for like comparisons, i.e. the same time period, age group. The patient numbers must be large enough to give meaningful results.

If you have any questions, please be sure to contact us and we’ll be happy to talk through our success rates.


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