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Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) blood test
Apr 1, 2019

Fertility Investigations

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Antral Follicle Count (AFC) Scan

Before you have your initial consultation with us, we will ask you to come in for a pre-treatment ultrasound scan. This is a painless procedure and will involve an internal scan which will take about 15 minutes; we will also carry out your hormonal and screening blood tests.

The AFC scan allows us to:

  • Predict how you will respond to the drugs we prescribe for you

  • Check for any problems that may affect how the treatment works, including issues with the ovaries and womb that may reduce fertility

  • Give an accurate diagnosis of polycystic ovaries and polycystic ovarian syndrome

During your consultation, the Clinician will explain in detail the results from your scan and blood test. We will then put together a personalised treatment plan that will give you the very best chance of conceiving.


AMH Blood Test

Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) is produced by small follicles (pouches which contain the eggs) growing in the ovary. It can be measured in a blood test. The level of AMH reflects how many follicles are growing, which gives an indication of how many eggs are present in the ovary. It is now established that the hormone AMH can tell us how a woman’s ovaries can respond to fertility drug treatment.

Semen Analysis 

Why are semen analysis undertaken?

  • Assessing the likelihood of achieving a pregnancy with your partner

  • Diagnosing a sperm problem that means you may need medical help to achieve a pregnancy

  • Determining which treatment is most appropriate for you and your partner

  • For freezing sperm, whether as a back-up for treatment, for the preservation of fertility in case of potentially sterilising illness or treatment, or prior to vasectomy

It is always preferable to produce semen samples at the Clinic by masturbation. A discreet and quiet room is provided.  You may wish to have your partner with you but remember this may not be possible during treatment. However, if you feel you may have difficulties producing a sample at Nurture, please speak to a member of staff. It may be possible to produce a sample at home, providing the sample can be transported to Nurture within 1 hour of production.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment with us please email or call us on 0115 828 0246 and a member of our patient support team will be happy to help.

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