
Imogen Shaw


Imogen Shaw

Specialist in

Women's health around the menopause

Menstrual disorders



Doctors wearing masks, stethoscope and heart, woman with sunflower

Dr Imogen Shaw has particular expertise in women’s health around the menopause. She lectures nationally, educates local GPs and runs two NHS community gynaecology clinics.

Qualifications and employment

MA MB BChir, DRCOG, PGDip Gynaecology.

She trained at Cambridge University and Westminster medical school and has been a GP for 26 years, with particular focus on women’s health and the menopause.

She took a sabbatical working in a gynaecology department in Canada, then qualified with a post graduate diploma in gynaecology in 2008.

She was a member of the committee involved in writing the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for menopause in 2015, and appeared on national television and press promoting the guideline.

She has co-written a book for GPs on managing the menopause.

She is a member of The British Menopause Society, diplomate of the Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and a founding member of the primary women’s health care forum, for whom she has written the menopause guidelines on HRT prescribing.

Personal interests

She feels a passion for helping women through the menopausal years, which can be a difficult period of life for many women that is often poorly understood and inadequately managed by many health care professionals.


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