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Participate in embryo selection research

What is the study?

During IVF treatment, embryos are cultured in the laboratory for up to 5 days before embryo transfer, by which time embryos with a favourable prognosis have developed into blastocysts. On transfer day, an embryologist assesses their morphologic, or structural, appearance and selects the one(s) with the highest chance of success for transfer.

Whether or not a morphological assessment is the optimal method of embryo selection has been studied extensively over the past twenty years. Recently, a new decision-support tool for embryo evaluation has been developed. Using deep learning, iDAScore® objectively “compares” a given embryo with others having similar development patterns and generates a score correlating with the likelihood of implantation.

The aim of this research is to investigate if embryo selection using the decision support tool iDAScore® can generate as many pregnancies as when the selection is performed by trained embryologists using conventional assessment only.

The research project is a multi-centre study conducted in clinics in Australia, Denmark, Hungary, Sweden and the UK.

Who can participate?

Eligible participants are TFP patients undergoing IVF treatments at either TFP Nurture Fertility, TFP Oxford Fertility, TFP Wessex Fertility or TFP Thames Valley Fertility fulfilling the following:

• Embryo recipient up to 42 years old

• Single embryo transfer performed on day 5

• Availability of at least two blastocysts on day 5

Participation does not involve any additional testing or extra visits to the clinic.

Hormone stimulation, oocyte pick-up and embryo transfer are performed according to the clinic’s standard routines.

Want to know more?

To find out more about embryo selection research or to know if you could qualify as a participant, please read the Research Information and get in touch with us.

Get in touch today

Reach us by phone

Nurture: 0115 828 0246

Oxford: 01865 224819

Thames Valley: 01628 702632

Wessex: 0203 1318630

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