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May 21, 2021

Vaccination Information for Fertility Patients – 21st May 2021

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Visit our COVID-19 and Fertility Treatment Information Hub For Our Latest Updates – AVAILABLE HERE

Medical vaccine

At TFP we know that the advice from the Fertility Societies (ESHRE, ASRM and National etc) has been conflicting and sometimes not clear. Therefore we have summarised what you need to know as of 21st May 2021 if you live in the UK.  If your National regulations are different then please do follow your National rules.


  • Men and Women do not need to wait to conceive after having the Covid-19 vaccine.

  • Pregnant women with Covid-19 are at greater risk of severe illness compared to non-pregnant women.

  • Current UK advice is that pregnant women should be offered the Covid-19 vaccine at the same time as the rest of the population, based on their age and clinical risk group. It is preferable for pregnant women to be offered the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines where available. There is no evidence to suggest that other vaccines are unsafe for pregnant women, but more research is needed.

  • The vaccine can be given at any time during fertility treatment.  As some people feel unwell for a few days after vaccination some patients may prefer to avoid it around the time of procedures such as egg collection,  embryo transfer or sperm production. However, there is no evidence that having the vaccine will affect the success rate of fertility treatment.

  • The vaccine may be considered when breastfeeding.

  • As per TFP guidelines, we will continue to minimise infection risks in the clinic through hygiene, social distancing, and PPE use.

  • Sperm or egg donors need to wait 7 days after vaccination before donation.

  • Patients should wait 28 days after recovery from Covid-19 infection before starting fertility treatment.

More Information

Visit our COVID-19 and Fertility Treatment Information Hub – AVAILABLE HERE

If you are in self-isolation, develop a persistent new cough or a fever, please do not come to the clinic. Contact NHS 111 if you are unsure more guidance is AVAILABLE HERE

HFEA patient information – AVAILABLE HERE

UK Government advice is AVAILABLE HERE

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists pregnancy advice is AVAILABLE HERE

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