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Endometrial scratch
Apr 1, 2021

Can ultrasound improve the success rate of IVF/ICSI?

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Are you having IVF/ICSI treatment?

Have you had unsuccesful treatment in the past?

Are you considering having an endometrial scratch?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, we would like to invite you to take part in an exciting research study being conducted at TFP aimed at all patients.

The aim of the study is to assess whether the appearance of the lining of the womb on ultrasound can help us improve and predict the success of IVF or ICSI.

The study will involve scanning and looking at the lining of your womb and taking blood tests. This is done as part of your routine IVF treatment with no extra visits. For more information, please read the information leaflet in your pack or ask a member of the clinical team.

Please contact Dr Hiba Elhassan at if you would like to get involved.

Thank you!

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