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Jenna & Stephen’s Story – IVF
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In vitro fertilization (IVF)
Apr 27, 2021

Jenna & Stephen’s story – IVF

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For Jenna Moore, 30, and Stephen Benham, 38, from Chichester, Christmas will be extra special, as they will be spending it with their long-awaited baby, Luna-Bella.

Jenna, a beauty ambassador, and Stephen, an electrician, had been trying for a baby for 2 years when they discovered that one of Jenna’s fallopian tubes was blocked. “I was under the NHS on the Isle of Wight when we got the news, the doctor told me I had to have both tubes removed” remembers Jenna. Jenna had an operation to have both tubes removed, leaving her heartbroken. “I was devastated when I woke up and they were gone, but my ovaries were still there so the doctor said I had a good chance of IVF being successful and referred me to Wessex Fertility”.

In June 2016, the couple had their initial consultation at Wessex Fertility’s Poole Satellite clinic with Dr Catherine Pappin, who advised a long protocol of IVF. This unfortunately came at the start of a very difficult year for the couple. “I lost both of my parents within 9 weeks of each other, which was an extremely tough time.” recalls Jenna.

The couple commenced their fresh cycle of IVF.

We kept positive and took each day as it comes. Stephen would do the injections every morning for me so it was a joint effort. We thought it was lovely to do the treatment together as much as possible.


Jenna had her eggs collected at Wessex Fertility’s main Southampton clinic. Stephen’s sperm was then added to Jenna’s eggs to form embryos. Of the eggs that were collected, 4 successfully fertilised to form embryos. One embryo was then replaced into Jenna’s womb. After a two week wait, the couple were delighted to find out they had been successful. Unfortunately, this happiness was short lived, when at their first scan, it was discovered that there was sadly no fetal heartbeat. “We eventually miscarried, which added to a really sad year for us, we were devastated” remembers Jenna. The couple were open with their families during their treatment, and found their support invaluable “We felt it was nice to be able to be open about what we were going through. Especially when we were feeling down” remembers Jenna.

When they were ready to try again, the couple had one of their frozen embryos transferred to Jenna’s womb. Just before the two-week wait was over, Jenna experienced a bleed and thought once again, it was going to be bad news. However, two days later, Jenna took the test and discovered a positive. “I kind of knew I was pregnant! It was a difficult time though, I was full of worry because of what had happened the first time, and was convinced the baby wouldn’t make it”. It was discovered at a scan that there was a bleed called a haematoma next to the couple’s growing baby. “I was monitored very closely by Wessex Fertility with weekly scans until I was 11 weeks pregnant, which reassured us a little” recalls Jenna. “The support from Wessex Fertility was just amazing. Anytime I had a query or worry, it was sorted straight away”. The bleed subsided, and Jenna thankfully went on to have a healthy pregnancy.

On 9 October 2017, Jenna gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Luna-Bella Janet Benham, weighing 7lb 6oz.

We still can’t believe it! Everyday we look at her and think how much happiness and love she has brought us. Luna is such a good baby and just adapts to everything, she is a rainbow for all of our sad times.


Jenna and Stephen are looking forward to their first Christmas with baby Luna “Luna’s first Christmas will be magical as we are off to Disneyland Florida on Boxing Day! We have family who live there, so taking Luna to meet them will be lovely. All our dreams have come true this year we have so much to thank the clinic for!”

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