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In vitro fertilization (IVF)
Apr 27, 2021

IVF with donated eggs helped Henriett and Balazs start their family

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When Henriett, 40, met Balazs, 34, she knew he was the one she wanted to settle down and start a family with, but it took six years and the kindness of a stranger to realise her hopes.

We started trying for a family six years ago and as the years passed we started to get concerned. After three years and still no luck we decided to visit our GP in Hertfordshire. After hearing our situation, they referred us to our local hospital where a number of tests revealed that I didn’t have any eggs. They explained that this could be due to premature ovarian failure or reduced ovarian reserve and that we had three options – to try hormone treatment which for me had a very low chance of success, pursue IVF using donated eggs from another woman, or adopt a child.

This came as a huge shock, it was a lot to digest. We spent more than a year researching and talking over each option. Finally we decided that IVF using donated eggs would be our choice, as this had a better probability for success than hormone treatment for me and felt more like the experience of creating our own family.

Our GP explained that there were three IVF clinics we could choose from under the NHS programme and recommended Oxford Fertility as being the best.

When we first visited Oxford Fertility to meet the team, we were surprised at how lovely the facility was. It doesn’t feel like you are in a hospital, it has a calm feeling. Our nurse was so professional and kind. She kept us updated throughout the process and ensured everything kept moving forward as it should. This was important for us as we were up against the clock. I was soon to turn 40 and once that happened I would no longer qualify for NHS treatment.

Within a couple of months we received a call to say suitable eggs had been donated and from then things moved very quickly. I received hormones to prepare my body and underwent a trial cycle to check everything was working as it should. Then the donor eggs were fertilised with Balazs’ sperm and embryos were produced. After transfer I just hoped and prayed it had worked.

I remember I could try a pregnancy test on 29 July and was overjoyed when I saw the blue line confirming that I was pregnant. I could not believe my eyes, so actually repeated the test two times after with the same result. My pregnancy continued and in April this year our beautiful baby boy Adam was born.

I still can’t believe it. Adam feels like such a wonderful surprise – albeit one we have waited six years for. He is amazing. People are so happy for us, although most people don’t know of our struggle to get here. I can’t thank the woman who donated her eggs enough. If I met her I don’t know what I’d say as words can’t describe how I feel. I know it’s not an easy decision to donate your eggs, it’s not like giving blood and so only a few people do it. But it has transformed our lives.

To find out more about the services and treatments provided by Oxford Fertility, please contact us.

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