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Ovulation induction

Ovulation takes place when the body releases an egg during the menstrual cycle, allowing it to travel to the fallopian tube where fertilisation can occur. However, if a person is not ovulating, egg fertilisation cannot happen. In such cases, ovulation induction medicines may be necessary to stimulate the release of an egg.

At TFP Fertility, we offer ovulation induction at all of our clinics, to help stimulate the ovaries to release eggs.


What is ovulation induction?

Ovulation induction is a treatment that can help stabilise the menstrual cycle and regulate the release of an egg.  

Problems with ovulation can be caused by several factors including stress, weight fluctuations and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Medications used for ovulation induction are given via tablets or injections. The tablets include clomiphene citrate and letrozole and the injections are gonadotrophins.

hormone injection

How does ovulation induction work?

Before the ovulation induction process, a fertility assessment will be carried out. This allows fertility doctors to assess follicle growth and hormonal levels. They will also use ultrasounds to see if there are any ovulation issues. This will help determine, which medications are better suited to help enhance egg production.

If you are using tablets, treatment typically starts between the second and sixth day of the menstrual cycle. The medication may not take effect immediately, in which case the dosage will be increased.

It is important to know that some of these fertility medications can cause some side effects including mood swings, visual problems, hot flashes, headaches and feelings of sadness. If you show any signs of these symptoms, contact your doctor or fertility clinic.

If the tablets are ineffective, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) injections may be recommended. These injections assist with follicle growth, which helps to release mature eggs into the fallopian tubes to meet the sperm for fertilisation to take place. For this type of treatment, you have to administer the injections yourself every day, for a certain period. Don’t worry, it’s a straightforward process and you will be shown how to use them.

During the treatment, patients will undergo ultrasounds to monitor follicle growth. In some cases, ovulation can take place naturally. If ovulation induction does not work, you may need assistance through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment. Rest assured, your fertility options will be discussed with you during your consultation.  

Who could benefit from ovulation induction?

If an individual has an irregular menstrual cycle or a fertility condition that impacts egg production such as polycystic syndrome, then ovulation induction may improve the chance of conceiving.

However, depending on your circumstances, our fertility team will discuss to see whether ovulation induction is the best way forward for you.

Female considering donating eggs

Ovulation induction costs

At TFP Fertility, ovulation induction costs £750 per cycle.

Further information on our treatment costs can be found on your chosen TFP Fertility clinic page. Or book your consultation with our patient team and we can discuss this with you.  

Reviewed by Justin Chu, Medical Director at TFP Oxford Fertility.

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