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May 1, 2019

Q&A with our nursing team: The top 5 beauty regime questions answered

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Angela ClancyStarting IVF brings so many questions. Big, small, medical, practical, financial and emotional. Every day our nursing team are here to answer your questions.

Here our nursing coordinator, Angela answers the 5 most common beauty regime questions asked by women undergoing IVF.

1. Can I dye my hair?

As about 75% of us dye our hair, this is an important one. The vast majority of hair dyes include chemicals that affect the hormones in your body, so it’s best to stop dying your hair before starting fertility drugs. There are organic, non-toxic hair dyes on the market, but as these can still contain some chemicals, it’s best to avoid dying altogether to be on the safe side.

2. Can I get my nails done?

It can feel like a random question to ask, but we are glad when people do. It’s completely fine to have shellacs, acrylics etc. when going through IVF. Just make sure that the salon you visit is well ventilated. The only time you should have bare nails is during your egg collection, as we need to put a monitor on your finger.

3. What exercise can I do?

Participating in a sport you enjoy is a great way to relax and stay healthy. But once you start your treatment, we recommend you adapt to make your exercise light and gentle such as walking or a relaxing yoga class (rather than a heated workout yoga class). Avoid rigorous classes such as spin or kickboxing and be mindful of your body and how you’re feeling.

4. Can I go to a spa?

You can visit a spa and make the most of the relaxation areas, but unfortunately there are a few facilities we would advise against using. Once you have started stimulation, don’t immerse yourself in any water, as this can affect the lining of your womb and especially affect any pessary drugs you may be taking, so avoid the swimming pool and Jacuzzi. Once you have undergone the embryo transfer, avoid the sauna, steam room, or any treatment that could raise your body’s temperature, which is not recommended if you may be pregnant.

5. Can I take vitamins? 

The special vitamin packs aimed to improve fertility have been shown to make no difference to a woman’s fertility, so taking these won’t harm you, but they won’t influence your outcome. Unless prescribed by your GP, the same applies to most vitamin supplements – if you do want to take them, please check that they are safe to consume when pregnant. The only tablets a woman should take are folic acid and vitamin D, ready for when you fall pregnant.

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