Infertility has been defined by the World Health Organization as a social disease. One in five couples - that is, we always consider the limited possibilities of parenthood and ways to remedy them in the context of two people - face trouble conceiving a child. Recommendations for the management of infertility published by scientific societies, including the Polish Society for Reproductive Medicine and Embryology, outline the basic path of diagnosis and treatment. Based on these algorithms and the individual situation of each couple, a unique treatment program is created for each couple. By implementing innovative research, TFP finds a solution to almost every fertility challenge.
Whether you're just considering seeking help or you've come a long way, selecting a place and the people you choose to trust is always a challenge. When deciding where to seek treatment, there are several important aspects to consider.
IVF, or in vitro fertilization, involves the fusion of an egg and a sperm cell outside the woman's body under laboratory conditions. The procedure can be used by couples whose infertility treatment with other methods has failed. Before starting IVF, we will gladly answer all of your questions, thoroughly analyze your situation, and discuss the best course of treatment.
A solid understanding of the causes of your problems conceiving a child is the basis of our treatment. At our centres, patients have only the tests they really need, without unnecessary visits or costs. The recommended diagnostics and their advisability will always be discussed with you before implementation.
What to do and what tools to use when treating infertility is subject to very detailed scientific analysis. We follow the reports, and, for 35 years, TFP has been creating innovations ourselves. In Poland, we are a team that creates local standards of treatment on our own. The patient is always at the centre of our treatment. We will openly tell you about your chances for success and recommend only those solutions that will realistically bring you closer to success.
The more you know, the more awareness you have. In the fight against infertility, you can't give up, and it's a good idea to continue fertility treatment until you have a happy ending. Explore a collection of different information that can help you prepare for tests and treatments, learn about the journeys of others going through treatment, and better understand your rights.
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in a consult with friendly TFP experts.