Members of our teams co-create the structures of the most important health organizations in the field of reproductive medicine in Poland. Let this be your guarantee that we constantly monitor the epidemic situation related to the spread of coronavirus and offer only safe therapies.
Leading national and global scientific organizations in the field of infertility treatment are responding very quickly to questions about how to provide treatment during a coronavirus pandemic. The goal of their published and updated recommendations is to provide practitioners with guidance to protect the health and safety of patients and staff and to address the needs of those experiencing infertility. Experts associated with reproductive medicine understand how strong and important couples' parenting aspirations are, which is why the guidelines are regularly evaluated and adjusted to - of course - prioritize protection, but also to most urgently resume comprehensive, unrestricted fertility care.
A document of the Polish Society of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology (PTMRiE) demonstrates an unquestionable social responsibility to meet national public health recommendations [Section of Fertility and Infertility of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (SPiN PTGiP) and the National Consultant in Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproduction on the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, causing COVID-19, and its updates on April 25, 2020 and early June 2020]. The content of the opinion was created with the cooperation of our expert - Prof. Rafał Kurzawa, acting as President of PTMRiE.
Polish opinion leaders emphasize that infertility is a serious disease that requires treatment and in many cases its therapy cannot be postponed. Among other things, they recommend that all patients trying to get pregnant, whether planning infertility treatment or undergoing treatment (even if they do not meet the diagnostic criteria for COVID-19 infection), be especially careful during their efforts and treatment.
Deferral is not recommended in certain situations. It is recommended that any type of therapy to preserve fertility be implemented as soon as possible in patients prior to oncologic treatment. In patients diagnosed with infertility, it is recommended that the medical situation be analyzed individually and that the necessary diagnosis and treatment be initiated for healthy patients whose chances of having a child may decrease over time. It is permissible to perform assisted reproductive procedures in accordance with properly prepared safety procedures that minimize the possible risk of COVID-19 transmission.
An important aspect is that (if for any reason they are used), the use of immunomodulatory therapies should be discontinued in already treated patients. The full text of the March 16, 2020 Polish recommendations and subsequent updates can be found on the PTMRiE website.
Coronavirus is a common type of virus. The new SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus first identified in the city of Wuhan, China in late December 2019. It causes a disease called COVID-19.
COVID-19 disease is caused by a new type of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, so experience and knowledge of its impact on pregnancy and child health are still incomplete. However, SARS-CoV-2 infection does not appear to have a significant effect on pregnancy. No scientific evidence of adverse effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease during pregnancy has been published to date, in particular no increased risk of miscarriage or development of congenital malformations. Cases of pregnancies with COVID-19 have been described to date in which women delivered healthy babies, regardless of the mother's varying general condition and the severity of the disease. No case of virus infection of the offspring during pregnancy has been confirmed.
Recommendations for pregnant women have been prepared by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), answering the questions: what to know, how to prepare and how to protect.
Polish version is available at:
As with other flu-like respiratory illnesses, COVID-19 infection can cause mild symptoms, including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever. In some people, the discomfort can be more severe and lead to pneumonia or difficulty breathing. In rare cases, the disease can be fatal.
You have been in an infected area or had contact with an infected person within the past 14 days
You have an elevated temperature
You observe yourself coughing and having shortness of breath
then immediately notify the sanitary-epidemiological station by telephone (an up-to-date list of centres can be found here: or go to an infectious diseases or observation-infectious diseases ward, where further medical treatment will be determined (a list of hospitals can be found here:
Since the guidelines state that individuals who have been in Category 1 areas within the past 14 days or have visited Category 2 areas within the past 14 days and, additionally, have the above symptoms should be quarantined, testing and treatment for such patients at our facility cannot be done at this time.
IMPORTANT: If you suspect you are sick, be responsible and do not put others at risk. Be sure to follow the recommendations of the National Health Service. After quarantine and provided there is no exposure to new risk factors and no flu-like symptoms, any patient can resume treatment at our centres without any consequences.
If you notice symptoms of illness (fever, cough, etc.), but have not been to a country where coronavirus is present and have not had contact with an infected person, follow basic protection rules and stay home until you recover.
Anyone seeking additional information is advised to contact the National Health Fund's special 24-hour hotline at 800 190 590.
COVID-19 is transmitted by the droplet route, which means when you cough, sneeze or talk. To prevent infection:
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser if your hands are not visibly dirty.
Practice respiratory hygiene: When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue - immediately discard the tissue in a closed trash can and wash your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitiser wipe or soap and water.
Maintain social distance: Keep at least 1 meter between yourself and other people, especially those who are coughing, sneezing or have a fever.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
If you are returning from a coronavirus-positive region and have symptoms of illness or have had contact with an infected person, notify the health and epidemiology station by phone or go to an observation and infection unit
Since the outbreak alert was declared, we have remained vigilant to reports of coronavirus. We are providing diagnosis and treatment, but in order to minimize the potential for infection, a number of additional internal restrictions and safeguards are in place to protect you and our staff.
Our new patient service policies include:
Conduct therapeutic management only in accordance with the current expert recommendations for management during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Polish Society for Reproductive Medicine and Embryology (PTMRiE), the Section of Fertility and Infertility of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (SPiN PTGiP), and the National Consultant in Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, as well as international scientific societies - ESHRE (Europe) and ASRM (USA) - recommend particular caution during efforts and treatment, which is also reflected in our recommendations for patients.
We offer our patients access to consultations, examinations, and treatments, while emphasizing that the decision to include therapeutic procedures is based on the individual physician's assessment of the couple's situation, taking into account the attitude of the patients themselves.
In cases where the interests of patients are not harmed, we allow embryo freezing with the deferred transfer.
If you decide to proceed with treatment, we recommend taking special precautions to avoid infection during pregnancy. If you develop symptoms such as a fever ≥ 38°C, cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, you should contact the National Health Service (tel. 800 190 590) or your epidemiological station immediately and inform the doctor treating your pregnancy.
High-risk individuals are absolutely prohibited from entering the clinic building. For such patients, appointments, tests, and procedures are rescheduled and will take place after a period of quarantine or resolution of flu-like symptoms.
Whenever possible, we recommend e-consultations via Skype or Teams or a phone visit.
Semen examinations are performed at specific intervals, and the room is disinfected after each collection. Prior phone registration is required for the tests.
Blood is drawn without interference.
Companions (if their presence is not required) and children are asked to stay outside the clinic.
Patients are asked to avoid public transportation, especially during rush hour.
Patients are invited to the clinic immediately prior to their scheduled appointment time.
We ask that patients who arrive early wait outside or in their cars. The receptionist will invite you by phone to your appointment.
We recommend payment by credit card.
Patients visiting the centre are required to fill out an epidemiological questionnaire. We appeal for honesty; only in this way can we treat you properly and ensure continuity of treatment.
It is mandatory for each person to wash and disinfect their hands before an appointment. Disinfecting liquid is available at the reception desk, in each doctor's office, and in restrooms.
A visit to the doctor is preceded by a temperature check. Visits by patients with a temperature > 37.5°C will be postponed.
Medical visits, ultrasound examinations, and procedures are carried out with special control and hygiene measures: The mouth and nose of the patient(s) should be protected by masks, and doctors and medical staff wear appropriate personal protective equipment (masks, visors, gloves, protective aprons).
During these special times, let's greet each other with "good morning" and temporarily refrain from nice gestures such as shaking hands.
It is worth knowing that in the clinics themselves, surfaces that are frequently touched are constantly disinfected, i.e. countertops, doorknobs, payment terminals, elevator buttons. The offices are aired out several times a day. Additionally, each TFP clinic has a business continuity plan that covers the possibility of a disruption in operations (for any reason). Clinics work together to minimize any disruption in patient care due to staffing levels or exposure to COVID-19.
Invariably, our staff is available to you online at all times.
As of May 2020, with additional strict safety rules, we have resumed medical activities. Applying new schemes of patient service, we invite willing patients for consultations, examinations and treatments. According to the recommendations of Polish and foreign experts in reproductive medicine, described in detail here, decisions on the possibility of infertility treatment using IVF and insemination methods are made individually, taking into account the health and life situation of the couple.
We have no doubt that infertility treatment cannot be postponed, so we actively conduct diagnostics and treatment of couples who come to us. Nevertheless, we recommend special care to all people trying to get pregnant.
Guidance from GIS and the Ministry of Health is changing, which may affect further restrictions we impose on the treatment regimens offered by our facilities.
Please note that the content of this website is based on WHO, GIS, MZ and TFP guidelines. They are intended only to improve, not replace, the contact between the patient and his physician. The content is intended to be informational and educational only. It is imperative that you consult with your physician before following any expert advice, particularly medical advice.
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has published its document outlining patient and clinical recommendations during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). The main recommendations of American specialists concern the suspension of the start of new cycles of treatment, temporary postponement of planned operations and non-urgent diagnostic procedures and minimizing personal interactions and the use of telehealth zone and online consultation.
In light of the increasing number of cases of coronavirus infection and widespread initiatives to limit the spread of the pandemic, the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) reaffirms its recommendation that members of the Society follow local and national government advice, in particular national daily advice updates, with compliance where possible:
Let's take care of ourselves and our loved ones! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your doctor or the clinic reception. Also, be assured that in the current situation, we cannot imagine leaving you alone! To all patients - new and existing - we highly recommend an online or phone consultation. Each e-consultation saves the cost of a standard visit, not counting the costs associated with travelling to the clinic, saving time, and increasing patient safety. The advice received during a remote call is complete and medically documented in the patient's e-card. Recommendations after the e-consultation can be shared with the patient via the Patient Portal, and the doctor can confidently issue you with an e-prescription. Everything is done exactly as it is done in the doctor's office. If, in the course of the conversation, it turns out that a gynaecological examination, ultrasound or blood sample is necessary, you will be invited to an appointment at the clinic. It is worth taking advantage of this option.
Understand family growth options
in a consult with friendly TFP experts.