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Processing of personal data and webinar regulations

Personal Data Administrator:

Vitrolive Limited liability company with registered office in Szczecin

103 Wojska Polskiego Avenue

70-483 Szczecin

KRS: 0000252423
REGON: 320166514
NIP: PL8512959483
tel.: +48 91 486 43 45
fax. +48 91 88 69 138


Macierzyństwo Medical Center Limited liability company Limited partnership with its registered office in Kraków

7A Białoprądnicka St., 31-221 Kraków

KRS: 0000343047

REGON: 356524003

NIP: PL6782853606

tel: +48 600 407 907


Data Protection Officer:

Dr Anna Janicka, MD

103 Wojska Polskiego Avenue, 70-483 Szczecin

tel.: +48 91 486 43 45
kom.: +48 691 676 305
fax. +48 91 88 69 138

Personal Data Processing:

1.General Information

Vitrolive Sp. z o.o., based in Szczecin at 103 Wojska Polskiego Avenue, 70-483 Szczecin, is the Administrator of the Patients' personal data and is responsible for using the data obtained from the Patients as part of the provision of health services in a safe manner, in accordance with the agreement and applicable laws, including:1) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter: RODO;2) Act of 6 November 2008 on Patients' Rights and Patients' Rights Ombudsman;3) Act of 15 April 2011 on therapeutic activity;4) Act of 25 June 2015 on infertility treatment;5) Regulation of the Minister of Health of 9 November 2015 on types, scope and models of medical records and the manner of their processing.

Provision of personal data by the Patient is voluntary, but nevertheless necessary for Vitrolive to perform its services under the concluded contract. Lack of consent for the processing of personal data for the purposes specified in section 2. will result in the inability of Vitrolive to conclude an agreement with the Patient.

2. Purpose and legal basis of processing Patients' personal data

Patients' personal information obtained during the registration process and during the contract for the provision of health care or other services is used for the following purposes:

  • health prevention, medical diagnosis, provision of health care, treatment or management of health care systems and services on the basis of Article 9(1)(h) of the RODO - for the period of providing medical care and the legally required period of archiving medical records,

  • performance of the contract concluded with the Patient on the basis of Article 6(1) b RODO - for the duration of the contract,

  • to comply with legal obligations incumbent on Vitrolive on the basis of Article 6 paragraph 1 c RODO, such as for tax purposes, administrative purposes, record-keeping, archiving - for the period necessary for the implementation of individual obligations under the law,

  • to protect the vital interests of Patients or other individuals on the basis of Article 6(1)(d) of the RODO, e.g. to protect the physical integrity or life of the data subject - for the period necessary for intervention,

  • to protect the legally justified interests of Vitrolive or a third party on the basis of art. 6 section 1 lit. f RODO, e.g. to assert claims - for the period of maturity of any claims arising in connection with the provision of services, to verify payment reliability of Patients by checking with the National Debt Register BIG S.A. - for the period preceding the conclusion of the agreement, the duration of the agreement and the period for asserting claims, and in addition in connection with the use of video surveillance to ensure the security of persons and property on the premises of Vitrolive - for a period not exceeding 2 years, with the exception of the use of video surveillance recordings in the course of judicial or administrative proceedings, in which case the period for processing personal data will be extended by the duration of the proceedings.

  • to provide the Patient with personalized advertising related to Vitrolive's services via email as part of the newsletter, and moreover for the purpose of improving the quality of the services provided and to ensure the safety and support of the Patients' service on the basis of the consent you have given (Article 6.1.a RODO).

3. Information about the entities to which the data may be transferred

Personal information collected from Patients is provided by Vitrolive:

  • entities directly involved in the provision of services provided by Vitrolive (e.g., physicians),

  • entities that provide consulting, legal, accounting and human resources services to Vitrolive,

  • Vitrolive's ICT service providers,

  • banks as part of Vitrolive's financial services,

  • public administration bodies,

  • to postal/courier companies.

4. Personal data obtained from other sources

Vitrolive informs you that there may be situations in which Patients' personal data are obtained in an indirect manner, i.e. from third parties.Vitrolive obtains data in the manner described above from banks or other financial institutions within the scope of payments made by Patients, as well as from the National Debt Register BIG S.A. within the scope of verification of Patients' payment credibility. The data obtained from banks includes the bank account number and shall be processed in order to verify the correctness of settlements and vindication of potential claims for the period of their maturity. Data obtained from the National Debt Register BIG S.A. includes information on potential debts of Patients and will be processed for the period prior to the conclusion of the contract, the duration of the contract and the duration of the claim.In addition, Vitrolive may obtain personal data of Patients from other entities as part of cooperation in which electronic platforms or service systems are used. The data obtained in this way includes, in addition to general personal data such as name, surname, contact details, also special categories of data (so-called sensitive data), including, among others, test results and health information related to the treatment process at Vitrolive. This data will be processed for the purpose of performing the contract for the duration of its execution or for the purpose of asserting possible claims during the period of their maturity, as well as for the purpose of fulfilling Vitrolive's legal obligations in connection with archiving.

5. transfer of personal data to a third country outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

Vitrolive does not intend to transfer your personal data to third countries (outside the European Economic Area), except at your request.

6. Period of retention of personal data

Archived Patient records are retained for a period of 20 years, beginning at the end of the calendar year in which the last entry was made, except:

  • medical records in the event of a patient's death due to injury or poisoning, which are retained for 30 years from the end of the calendar year in which the death occurred;

  • X-rays kept outside the patient's medical record, which are kept for a period of 10 years from the end of the calendar year in which the image was taken;

  • referrals for examinations or doctor's orders, which are kept for 5 years, counting from the end of the calendar year in which the service subject to the referral or order was provided;

  • Medical records for children under the age of 2, which are kept for 22 years.

  • documentation concerning the activities performed by the medically assisted procreation center and the germ cell and embryo bank, including: the types and quantities of germ cells and embryos collected, tested, preserved, processed, stored and distributed or otherwise used, and concerning their origin and destination necessary for the monitoring of germ cells and embryos at all stages and for the identification of donors and recipients of germ cells and embryos; the documentation referred to above shall be kept for 90 years from the date of its creation.

7. Patients' rights

Vitrolive informs you that Patients have the following rights with respect to Vitrolive as Administrator:

  • The right to request access to your personal data - including to obtain information about the data Vitrolive processes and to request a copy of your data,

  • The right to rectification (correction) of data,

  • The right to erasure of data processed unfoundedly or where the data is not necessary for Vitrolive for the purposes for which it was collected,

  • The right to request the restriction of data processing,

  • The right to data portability to another data controller,

  • The right to object to the processing,

  • The right to withdraw granted consent to the processing of personal data if the processing is not necessary for the performance of the contract, performance of a legal obligation or does not constitute a legitimate interest of Vitrolive,

You may exercise the indicated rights by providing Vitrolive with an appropriate statement - in person, by mail or by e-mail. Vitrolive is authorized to authenticate the identity of the person from whom the statement originated.

The Patient's ability to exercise a particular right depends on the purpose and legal basis of the processing. Vitrolive may refuse erasure, restriction of processing, portability and objection to processing in connection with obligations under specific legislation.

A specific right is the right to object to the processing of data for direct marketing purposes, which the Patient has at any time and which obliges the Administrator to stop processing data for this purpose.

In addition, the Patient has the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, in case the processing of personal data is considered to violate the law.

Processing of personal data in webinars:

Personal data collected via the registration form shall be processed for the purpose of registration for participation in the workshop conducted on-line or off-line and the basis for data processing is the realization of legitimate interests of Vitrolive Sp. z o.o. by providing the possibility of contact between users of the website and the Centre. The administrator of the personal data is Vitrolive Sp. z o.o. located in Szczecin, 103 Wojska Polskiego Avenue.

The personal data obtained will be processed for the time necessary to process the contact details included in the registration form. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary for registration and participation in the event. If you provide data, you have the right to request access to your personal data, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, lodge an objection, the right to data portability and lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority.

By submitting the registration form, you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), RODO.

We encourage you to read the full information regarding the processing of personal data.

Regulamin webinarium Vitrolive:

Each participant of the webinar is obliged to read the rules of participation in the webinar, which are published on the website at.

Submitting of the registration form is tantamount to acceptance and commitment of the participant to abide by the Regulations of the webinars organized by Vitrolive Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Szczecin, 103 Wojska Polskiego Street.


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