The male factor may account for as much as 50% of reproductive failures. Now, no one questions the importance of seminological testing in predicting the chances of having children. Furthermore, we know that the quality of semen has a significant impact not only on getting pregnant but also on the health of the child. Semen testing requires years of skill and experience of laboratory diagnosticians, and we have the specialists to help.
The seminogram, or basic semen examination, involves assessing the concentration, viability, motility and morphological structure of the sperm and evaluating the seminal fluid. In other words, the number of sperm cells, how many of them are alive, the way they move and how they are structured are assessed. Seminal fluid is a secretion of the glands (mainly prostate and seminal vesicles) which is the environment in which the sperm is suspended. Its basic assessment (volume, pH, viscosity) allows for the detection of basic problems in the functioning of these glands.
Semen examination can be performed manually (using only a microscope and special slides and dyes) or computer-aided - CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis), where images from under the microscope are analysed by a specialised programme.
Our centre offers a fast and convenient solution for assessing male fertility. Make an appointment for a semen test today and find out the result without leaving your home, thanks to access to our online Patient Portal.
Explore our convenient fertility assessment packages for women, men, and couples, and get tested today.
To have a semen test done, just register by phone - semen tests are done at TFP Fertility Macierzyństwo every week day from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm as well as Saturdays from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm.
It is best to donate semen on the spot, in the clinic. We have special rooms for semen donation, ensuring patients complete privacy. Semen can also be delivered to us within a maximum of 30 minutes after donation. During transport, the semen should be kept at a temperature close to body temperature.
A reliable result is obtained after 3-5 days of sexual abstinence.
Standards for semen parameters are defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The 2010 standards are currently in force.
The range for each parameter can be found on each result issued.
An abnormal semen test result does not necessarily indicate infertility. Sometimes semen parameters are lowered periodically and then return to normal. A slight decrease in some parameters may indicate limited fertility.
On the other hand, it is a myth that "1 sperm is enough for fertilisation" - a significant decrease in semen parameters makes it practically impossible to conceive a child by natural means. Therefore, the semen test result must always be interpreted by a doctor.
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in a consult with TFP experts in Kraków.