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Prenatal tests

NIFTY test

Eiceldonatie bij TFP

NIFTY is a simple, safe and highly accurate non-invasive prenatal test that detects trisomies 21, 18 and 13 with a sensitivity and specificity of greater than 99%. The test can be performed as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy. It also provides other screening options for specific genetic abnormalities of the sex chromosomes, trisomies 9, 16 and 22, and deletion/replication syndromes. The NIFTY test can also provide gender information as desired.

Who is this study directed at?

Some pregnant women have indications of a higher risk for a genetic condition. Your doctor may recommend a NIFTY test when:

  • You are 35 years of age or older

  • There is an individual or family history of chromosomal disorders

  • Fetal ultrasound findings, serum screening test results, or nuchal translucency indicate an increased risk of genetic disorders.

How does NIFTY work?

Cell-free DNA fragments (cffDNA) are short fragments of DNA that can be found in the blood. During pregnancy, cffDNA fragments from the mother and fetus are present in the maternal blood circulation.

The NIFTY test requires a small sample of maternal blood. cffDNA in the maternal blood is then analyzed using our patented genetic sequencing technology and bioinformatics strings to screen for any chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. If any abnormality is present, small changes (duplications/deletions) to the affected chromosome can be detected.

The test is suitable for:

  • Twin pregnancies

  • Pregnancies from in vitro fertilization

  • In vitro pregnancies with donor eggs

The NIFTY test is available to every woman, regardless of age or specific genetic risk.

Putting the most important facts about it in numbers:

  • 10 ml of blood - That's all it takes to do the test.

  • 6-10 days - Results available at this rate.

  • > 99% - This is the sensitivity for detecting trisomies, such as Down syndrome.

  • 5,000,000 - By 2019, that's how many NIFTY tests have been conducted worldwide.

If you are interested in this study, ask your TFP provider about it.

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