RI Witness is a system that confirms the identity of a couple's cells so that embryologists and physicians can perform medical procedures in complete confidence and patients have the comfort of independent control at their TFP facility.
During IVF treatment, extremely important steps take place outside the woman's body. This requires the most advanced safety systems and multi-level control. In our clinics, we operate in accordance with global standards, the provisions of the "Act on Infertility Treatment" and relevant regulations, always maintaining respect for even more stringent internal safety procedures established individually by centres for medically assisted procreation. To the whole umbrella of protective measures already functioning in our company, we have added the RI Witness system used in the world's best in vitro laboratories. It consists of a unique way of marking germ cells and embryos, which guarantees their error-free identification at each stage of laboratory activities and storage.
RI Witness adapts to a clinic's work patterns and independently checks the following treatment steps: from cell collection from patients, to fertilization, to early development and delivery of the embryo into the woman's body. Additionally, it monitors all laboratory activities and notifies you of potential discrepancies.
The system's mechanism of operation is based on the use of tags transmitted by wireless radio signals to antennas that are distributed throughout the facility to mark and "track" the movement of patients and their reproductive cells and embryos, and to identify and control all materials and medical devices that come into contact with these cells and embryos. See the help flow chart describing the various steps of inspection:
You can breathe a sigh of relief and focus on yourself; we have full control over your safety. RI Witness system care comes standard every cycle and you receive it at no charge.
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in a consult with friendly TFP experts.