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Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Inseminazione intrauterina

Insemination is a simple assisted reproductive procedure that involves the injection of appropriately prepared sperm directly into the uterine cavity. Insemination can be performed with your partner's sperm (AIH) or, in situations such as azoospermia and the inability to obtain sperm from the testicle or epididymis, with donor sperm (AID). We can help in both situations.

When is IUI used?

Indications for intrauterine insemination are:

  • Disorders of semen liquefaction

  • Ejaculatory disorders (including retrograde ejaculation)

  • Problems with intercourse

  • Cervical factors

  • Use of donor sperm due to male factor infertility.

What is worth knowing?

The IUI procedure requires a prior evaluation of the anatomy of the reproductive organs and, in particular, confirmation of the patency of the fallopian tubes. The patient and her partner may decide on insemination in undetermined infertility, with a moderate male factor and in the absence of indications, and also when no previous test of fallopian tube patency has been performed, as long as the couple is fully aware of the possible consequences and estimated efficacy of the procedure. It is important to remember that the use of natural cycle insemination for the treatment of indeterminate infertility and/or stage I or II endometriosis has a low efficacy that is comparable to a wait-and-see procedure.

How does the procedure work?

Insemination, depending on the clinical situation, can be performed in a natural or stimulated cycle. Stimulation of ovulation prior to insemination is acceptable and may increase the effectiveness of the procedure, but should only be used when at most 3 pre-ovulatory ovarian follicles are present. A greater number of follicles may significantly increase the risk of a multifetal pregnancy. The couple should be informed of possible complications before starting treatment.

Intrauterine insemination treatment of infertility should be offered for up to 3 cycles. Subsequent inseminations may be performed at the patient's request. The couple should be informed that subsequent cycles of insemination have a lower efficacy than the first three cycles. Routine administration of progestagens after insemination is not justified in scientific studies except for cycles in which gonadotropin stimulation has been performed.

  • TFP Fertility Macierzyństwo

    TFP Fertility Macierzyństwo

    31-221 Kraków

    +48 124 158 800

  • TFP Fertility Vitrolive

    TFP Fertility Vitrolive

    70-483 Szczecin

    + 48 91 48 64 345

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