The procedure consists of laser cutting the transparent sheath surrounding the embryo, facilitating its hatching and implantation. This treatment is intended for couples after several failures in vitro in which implantation did not take place, in the case of the presence of visibly thickened embryo's transparent coat, and for patients over 40 years of age.
Medically assisted reproduction; the totality of procedures and treatments to bring about pregnancy in which it is necessary to prepare ova or sperm cells in a laboratory setting. These include, but are not limited to: in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, oviductal gamete transfer, oviductal zygote delivery, oviductal embryo transfer, gamete and embryo freezing, and oocyte and embryo donation.
Insemination with partner's sperm
Absence of menstruation. Primary amenorrhea affects women who have never menstruated. Secondary amenorrhea affects women who have already menstruated but who have not for six months or more.
Lack of ovulation.
Having an abnormal number of chromosomes.
Lack of sperm and spermatogenic epithelial elements in semen; one of the causes of male infertility
The stage of development that an embryo reaches about 5 days after fertilization. At the blastocyst stage, implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity occurs naturally.
A congenital deformity of the uterus causing it to split at the top.
Structures in cell nuclei that carry genetic material (DNA). In humans, there are normally 46 chromosomes, with equal halves coming from the father and mother.
Freezing inhibits the metabolism and stops the ageing process of the cell. Thus, the "age" of an egg cell after freezing is the same as the patient's age on the day of egg collection, which may be important for successful treatment. It has been proven that the patient's age is one of the most important prognostic factors in pregnancy. The use of frozen cells also makes it possible to bypass stimulation of ovulation which is a burden on the body.
A liquid substance usually containing sperm and plasma given off during ejaculation of semen.
An embryo that results from the first division of a fertilized egg cell (zygote) and develops in this stage up to 8 weeks after fertilization. Ideally, in vitro, on day 2 after fertilization, it has 4 blastomeres; on day 3, it has 8 blastomeres; on day 4, it is a mulberry-like morula containing about 10-60 blastomeres that come together; and on day 5, it reaches the blastocyst stage, which, on day 6, begins implantation in the uterine mucosa.
Special medium dedicated to embryo transfer. It is composed of a high concentration of hyaluronan, a compound naturally occurring in the uterus, fallopian fluid and follicular fluid, thanks to which it increases the chance of implantation of transferred embryos in the uterus. Its effects have been documented in clinical studies.
A fusion of reproductive cells (egg and sperm), resulting in a new cell called a zygote.
Reproductive cell: sperm cell in a man, egg cell in a woman.
Infertility of unexplained cause. It occurs when the reason for the inability to get pregnant cannot be found despite the use of modern diagnostic methods.
The entry of an embryo into contact with the endometrium of the uterus. There are several stages: attachment, implantation, and formation of the placenta.
Fertilization inside the uterus (IUI)
A method of fertilization in which an ovum and a sperm cell are brought together under laboratory conditions outside the female reproductive system. The ova collected by puncture of the ovaries are placed in a single dish together with previously collected and prepared sperm from the husband or donor for fertilization.
In vitro fertilization using intracytoplasmic sperm injection - The essence of the procedure is the insertion of a single sperm into a mature egg with a micropipette (under a microscope).
The method used in the procedure of in vitro fertilization consisting of the intracytoplasmic injection of a sperm cell into an egg after a detailed morphological evaluation of the sperm head for the presence of vacuoles under magnification (about 6000x). The procedure is intended for couples after multiple IVF failures, miscarriages, extremely low sperm parameters.
An image of chromosomes in a human somatic cell. It is performed to detect genetic abnormalities that may cause disease in a person or his children. The karyotype distinguishes between autosomes (chromosomes that do not differ in individuals of different sexes, in humans - 22 pairs) and sex chromosomes (X,Y).
Microsurgical retrieval of sperm from the epididymis.
A technique that allows the structure of a living sperm to be observed at 6000x or 8000x magnification. With this method, it is possible to determine the correctness of the gamete structure and which sperm is the best. These parameters determine successful fertilization and proper development of the early embryo, which increases the chance of offspring.
The process of egg cell formation and maturation; takes place in the ovaries
A woman who donates her egg cells to another woman
Female gonads that produce egg cells and hormones
The even ducts through which egg cells travel to the uterus after being released from the ovaries. The fallopian tube is usually where the egg and sperm meet and where fertilization occurs.
The female gamete, a haploid reproductive cell, is formed by oogenesis in the ovary.
Collection of oocytes under ultrasound guidance under brief general anaesthesia 36 hours after administration of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which causes oocytes to mature.
Percutaneous aspiration of semen from the epididymis.
An in vitro fertilization procedure involving the intra-cytoplasmic delivery of a sperm into an egg by ICSI, but using sperm that exhibit hyaluronic acid binding. Indications for PICSI include a below-normal HBA test result.
Male gamete, a haploid reproductive cell. Sperm cells are formed in the testes during spermatogenesis and mature in the epididymis. Spermatozoa consist of a head, which contains genetic material, an insertion, and villi, which enables movement.
A man donating his semen to be used for insemination (AID) or IVF
The process of sperm formation and maturation that takes place in the testes
The system is based on a time-lapse technique, which allows 24-hour monitoring of embryo development under constant conditions, from the moment of fertilization to the last day of in vitro culture. Thanks to the possibility of precise analysis of embryo development at each stage it allows us to select the embryo with the highest development potential and probability of pregnancy for transfer. The advantage of using the time lapse method is that embryos can be cultured and monitored under stable conditions without removing them from the incubator. The system also allows for a recording of a commemorative video, which we can provide on a USB flash drive, of embryo development from the moment of fertilization to the last day of culture.
Percutaneous puncture of the testicle using a fine needle to aspirate semen
Open testicular biopsy for sperm collection
A diploid cell resulting from fertilization, which is the union of a haploid male gamete (sperm) with a haploid female gamete (egg). From the zygote, an embryo develops.
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