
Jessica Baron


Jessica Baron

Specialist in

Women’s health

Post-reproductive health



Menopause and HRT

Doctors wearing masks, stethoscope with heart, woman with sunflower

Dr Jessica Baron has been a General Practitioner for 34 years, 20 of which were spent in France and Belgium. She has specialised in women’s health for 20 years. She provides consultations in French.

Qualifications and employment

  • Women’s health lead at her practice

  • Member of British Menopause Society

  • DFSRH – Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare

  • FSRH Cert. – Certificate of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare in Menopause Care

  • Accredited Clinical Supervisor for Foundation Year 2 doctors

  • Accredited Clinical Supervisor for Out of Hours Training

  • LoC – Letter of Competence Intrauterine techniques

  • DFFP – Diploma of the Faculty of Family Planning

  • MRCGP – Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners

  • DRCOG – Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

  • MB BS – Medical Qualifying Degree, University of London

  • Established and runs NHS menopause, coil and contraception clinics

  • Teaches sessions on Menopause, HRT, Sexual Health and Family Planning in a General Practice setting

Personal interests

Dr Baron is committed to making the menopause transition as easy as she can for all women. She understands the difficulties of menopause in the workplace and how it can be a challenging time in women’s lives.

She is passionate about ensuring that future generations can understand the menopause and manage menopause care competently and sympathetically.

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