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Signs of pregnancy

Whether you have conceived naturally or with a little help, working out whether you're pregnant or not can be a stressful time.

pregnant woman

The first signs

The person carrying the pregnancy may well have some physiological signs that they are pregnant before the positive test comes in, or the period is missed, even. This is not surprising — the carriers entire body goes through changes to support a pregnancy once conception occurs.

Hormones in particular can go through rapid changes during the early stages of pregnancy. This can feel a little like PMS: tiredness, mood swings, sore breasts and abdominal pain are all common symptoms of the early stages of pregnancy.

The only way to be truly sure is to take a pregnancy test once the period is late (missed entirely). The fifth week of pregnancy is when the body produces more and more of the “pregnancy hormone” hCG, which is what's being detected in the pregnancy test.

Progression of the pregnancy

A pregnancy is calculated from the first day of a complete cycle, purely for simplicity. Since ovulation takes place in the middle of the cycle (for example, two weeks after the first day of the previous period) two weeks of the cycle), a pregnancy is considered to start in the third week.

The first trimester – Weeks 1–12

The first three months of pregnancy are critical. This is when the embryo’s organs and nervous system are formed. Surprisingly, the sex of the child is already determined during implantation.

Between the fourth and eighth week of pregnancy, the embryo’s neck, head and extremities are formed, as are the structures for the inner organs, the brain and the nervous system. Towards the 12th week, the embryo's fingers, toes, eyes, ears and nose will be fully formed. Simultaneously, the muscles and nervous system have developed so the foetus can move.

Typical symptoms in the first trimester:

  • Constant fatigue, irritability

  • Constipation: The increase of progesterone can slow down the metabolism resulting in constipation.

  • Nausea: The infamous pregnancy nausea is triggered by increased hCG levels in the blood. This symptom often appears around the 5th or 6th week of pregnancy.

  • Dizziness: This is caused by blood being directed away from the brain and to the placenta to nourish the embryo.

  • Mood swings: These come from massive hormonal changes.

  • Sensitivity: This especially concerns smell and taste.

The second trimester – Weeks 13–26

Luckily, during the fourth month of pregnancy, the unpleasant symptoms of early pregnancy usually disappear quite quickly. The basic parts of the foetus are now formed. Development in this next stage is on “precision work”: developing the metabolism, sucking and swallowing reflexes and respiration. The baby will become much more active in the uterus as it exercises its growing muscles and nervous system. The heart can now be heard clearly during examinations. By the end of the fifth month of pregnancy, the child’s sex can typically be determined by ultrasound.

Typical symptoms in the second trimester:

  • The abdomen becomes visibly rounder and breasts grow much larger.

  • The first movements of the baby are typically felt between weeks 16 and 18.

  • Increased frequency of needing to urinate due to the uterus pressing on the bladder

  • Shortness of breath due to increased blood volume.

  • Heartburn due to the growing uterus restricting the stomach.

  • Possible production of colostrum (the first formation of breast milk), triggered by increased levels of prolactin.

The third trimester – Weeks 27-40+

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the foetus is able to open its eyes and nostrils. The immune system begins to work independently: the foetus breathes amniotic fluid in and out to “practice” for life outside of the womb.

Thanks to developments in modern medicine, the child now has a good chance of survival in the event of premature birth.

From the eighth month of pregnancy, development focuses predominantly on growing a protective layer of fat; the weight of the foetus now increases by approximately 250 g per week. Since there is less and less space in the uterus, the baby finally assumes the typical foetal position with arms folded in front of the body.

Typical symptoms in the third trimester:

  • The abdomen and breasts keep growing substantially.

  • Increased frequency of urination, since the growing uterus presses on the bladder.

  • Back pain, mostly due to loose ligaments and the additional weight.

  • Numbness or tingling in the feet when the baby is in a supine position and presses against the spine.

  • Sleep issues.

  • First false labour pains may begin.

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