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Psychology and infertility

Woman looking out of window

Pregnancy, parenthood and an inability to conceive are all very emotional experiences. The psychological and emotional aspects that accompany such big life decisions and changes need to be taken into account just as much as the physical effects. Modern medicine is increasingly accepting that the mind and body are very closely interrelated: constant internal stress and high expectations cause stress, which can also have a physical impact.

The psychological factors entailed in an inability to conceive are complex: they may occur as a side effect of fertility treatment, as a result of being unable to conceive over a long period of time or can sometimes even be the actual cause of infertility.

There is a correlation between psychology and infertility

Modern medicine offers a wide range of diagnosis and treatment methods. Therefore, it is possible today to pinpoint very precisely the causes of an inability to conceive and start the right treatment methods based on the results. The emotional aspects are often more difficult to treat than the physical fertility problem. We will guide you through your journey and will be on hand for any questions you may have.

Stress has an effect on hormone production

The effect of stress on the body is very often underestimated. It does have a significant effect on hormone production. This can impact and reduce both male and female fertility.

Psychological effects on women

For many women, having their own children is an important part of their plans in life. But if this desire remains unfulfilled, this often has a major influence on the mind and can cause stress. This then has an effect on the hormonal balance. And yet the menstrual cycle is controlled exclusively by hormonal processes. If the female body is suffering from mental pressure, it is possible that not enough hormones, or even no hormones at all, will be released. In some circumstances, this means ovulation does not occur, and fertilisation cannot take place.

Psychological effects on men

When we talk about an inability to conceive and its psychological effects, this focuses mainly on women. However, as men share this desire to have their own children, they are usually equally affected. And this also has an impact on the hormonal balance and fertility in the male body. Sperm production is reduced, meaning the ejaculated semen contains fewer sperm cells. In addition, their motility is also affected. This makes fertilisation more difficult, as the sperm then cannot reach the egg (if this is still viable) or because they do not have enough strength to penetrate the coat of the egg. 

Inability to conceive and its impact on a relationship

If couples decide to undergo fertility treatment, the initial focus is usually on a diagnosis and the treatment process. During the treatment, the prospect of a successful pregnancy is paramount. If this doesn’t happen, this can have an impact on the relationship. We recommend openly discussing a few questions before even starting treatment in our clinics. If you have any questions at all about fertility treatment, we will be more than happy to offer supportive guidance. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Psychological consultation at our fertility clinics

At our fertility clinics, we attach great importance to holistic treatment. We take insights into the impact of the mind on infertility very seriously and plan our treatments accordingly. For this reason, if you visit one of our fertility clinics, we will examine you not just for physical causes. One element of our treatment is our trusting and honest relationships with our patients.

Therefore, we offer you psychological consultations by trained specialists or can recommend these to you. If we examine your wishes from all angles and treat you from both a physical and psychological perspective, we can increase your chances of pregnancy.

Psychological burdens – What can you do?

Our team will be on hand and can help you with your individual situation.

  • Give yourself some rest: In our hectic everyday lives, peace and relaxation often get forgotten. However, your mind and body need these breaks in order to recuperate and gain strength for future stresses.

  • Be realistic: We will propose a treatment plan tailored specifically to you and will do our best to fulfil your dream of having children. However, don’t place all of your hopes in fertility treatment, and bear in mind the possibility that you may go through several unsuccessful attempts and approaches.

  • Be honest: With yourself and with your partner. If the psychological stress becomes too much for you, you should be open with your partner – and ideally us as well – about this. We will help you to find a solution. 

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    +31 71 58 12 300

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