The emergence of new life is a highly complex process. Cell division in the early part of pregnancy is especially prone to failure. Many pregnancies end here, often before they are identified.
Every pregnancy comes with risk, whether it was assisted or not. In fact, it is a lot harder for humans to get pregnant than many believe.
If every pregnancy is full of risk, then what even is a high-risk pregnancy?
Through no fault of her own, a woman's ability to reproduce decreases from the age of 35. By the time she turns 40, the chances of natural pregnancy are around 8% - meanwhile, the chances of miscarriage and foetal abnormality increase.
The term “high-risk pregnancy” does not necessarily mean that the mother's health is in danger. It simply means that attending doctors must monitor the progression of the pregnancy particularly closely to ensure mother and baby's safety.
A woman’s age is one pregnancy risk factor, however women of all ages can be classed as high-risk for pregnancy if there are complications or health problems. The most common of these are:
Chronic diseases such as diabetes or rheumatism
Metabolic disorders
Unhealthy lifestyle (poor nutrition, lack of exercise)
Use of medication
Use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
Around 25–30% of pregnant women today are thought to have high-risk pregnancies. It is far less common for actual complications to occur, especially with comprehensive medical assistance during pregnancy.
The fertility treatment we offer in our clinics can drastically exceed natural pregnancy rates for all age groups. Howveer, pregnancy via artificial insemination carries the same risks as a natural pregnancy. These include:
Ectopic pregnancy: Embryos can migrate from the womb to, for example, the fallopian tubes. This can occur even if the embryo is implanted during artificial insemination. However, as pregnancies via fertility treatments are more closely watched, it's usually easier to detect such issues sooner rather than later.
Miscarriage: Sadly, 10-15% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. With in vitro fertilisation (IVF), this risk is approximately 15-30%, which can be attributed to the higher average parental age.
In vitro fertilisation is carried out in conjunction with a hormone treatment aimed at stimulating follicle growth. If fertilisation is possible, 1 (in some cases 2) fertilised egg each is transferred. These procedures increase your chances of pregnancy but can have the following side effects:
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS): Hormonal stimulation can trigger ovarian hyperfunction. This is when liquid collects in the abdomen and causes severe abdominal pain. However, with proper attendance of check-up appointments during the treatment, the risk of OHSS is only 2%.
Multiple pregnancies: In the case of IVF, 1-2 embryos are transferred every time. This means that the probability of a multiple pregnancy increases. Twins are born in 15-25 % of cases, and triplets in 3% of cases.
According to what we know today, the risk of miscarriage is neither higher nor lower with a natural pregnancy than with an assisted one.
Recent findings indicate an increased risk of genetic disorder transmission when ICSI is used. For example, genetic factors are responsible for 3-5% of men with serious fertility problems, meaning that a child conceived through ICSI might also have a fertility problem. A small number (1-2%) of infertile men also carry the gene for cystic fibrosis, which is also transferred to the child during ICSI. We always recommend genetic counselling before ICSI treatment and, if necessary, an examination of the genetic material before the treatment has begun. In our clinics, we look at your individual situation and give you comprehensive advice on the diagnostic and therapeutic options to increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy and baby.
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