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Infertility treatment subsidy programme for Szczecin (ENDED)

Implantation irrigation or seminal plasma injection

Our clinic is one of the implementers of the Health Policy Programme entitled "Programme for co-financing infertility treatment by means of in vitro fertilisation for 2019-2021 for the residents of Szczecin".

1. Main objectives of the programme

The programme is aimed at couples diagnosed with infertility and where other therapeutic options are non-existent or have been exhausted.

Each couple positively qualified for the program is entitled to co-financing of at least one and no more than two in vitro fertilization procedures, in the amount not exceeding 5,000.00 PLN per procedure (including the cost of embryo cryopreservation). The difference between the total cost of the procedure and the subsidy is borne by the patients. Another cycle of collection and fertilisation of ova may be carried out provided that all embryos previously obtained in a given couple and stored are used.

Supervision over the implementation of the programme is exercised by the Municipality of Szczecin.

2. Eligibility criteria

Couples can join the programme:

  1. In whom the cause of infertility or ineffective treatment of infertility during the 12 months preceding the enrolment to the programme was confirmed by medical documentation in accordance with the recommendations and standards of the Polish Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians and the Polish Society of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology

  2. Who are married or in a civil partnership

  3. Who meet the age criterion (on the day of enrolment to the programme), i.e.-

    • The woman's age is within the range: 25 - 40 years (according to birth year); in case of absolute indication for infertility treatment: 20 - 40 years

    • The man's age is within the range of 25 - 55 years (according to the year of birth)

  4. Who are residents of the City of Szczecin at least since January 1, 2017 and pay taxes to the Szczecin Tax Office. The couple is obliged to provide TFP Fertility Vitrolive with:

    • A photocopy of the first pages of their tax returns with a present stamp of the Szczecin tax office, where they were filed or

    • A certificate from the Szczecin tax office confirming that the return was filed or

    • A photocopy of the official certificate of receipt issued by the electronic sub-box of the Tax Administration ICT system (UPO) with the first page of the PIT and a generated document number consistent with the UPO document identifier

for the year preceding participation in the Programme.

3. Procedures covered

  1. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) - Classical in vitro fertilization; a method of fertilization consisting in bringing about the union of an ovum and a sperm cell in laboratory conditions, i.e. outside the female reproductive system.

  2. ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) - In vitro fertilization with the use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection; the essence of the procedure is the insertion of a single sperm into a mature ovum using a micropipette (under a microscope).

  3. ICSI-SD (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection with Donor Sperm) - In vitro fertilisation using the intracytoplasmic injection of sperm from an anonymous donor.

  4. IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection) - A method used in the procedure of in vitro fertilisation consisting in the intracytoplasmic injection of a sperm into an egg cell after a detailed morphological assessment of the sperm head for the presence of vacuoles under magnification (approx. 6000x); the procedure is intended for couples after repeated IVF failures, miscarriages, extremely low sperm parameters.

4. How do I join the programme at TFP Fertility Vitrolive?

To participate in the programme you must:

  1. Make an appointment:

    • In person at the reception desk of TFP Fertility Vitrolive clinic at Wojska Polskiego 103 in Szczecin

    • By phone:

      +48 91 88 69 260

      +48 91 48 64 345.

    • You can also apply via the contact form on the website.

  2. Make a medical appointment with:

    • Identity card or other document confirming identity

    • Medical documentation of previous infertility treatment, including results of laboratory tests and discharges after surgical treatment

    • Document confirming payment of taxes to the tax office in Szczecin, i.e:

      • A photocopy of the first pages of the tax returns stamped by the Szczecin tax office where they were filed or

      • A certificate from the Szczecin Tax Office confirming that the return was submitted or

      • A photocopy of the official certificate of receipt issued by the electronic sub-docket of the Tax Administration IT system (UPO) with the first page of the PIT and the generated document number consistent with the document identifier of the UPO for the year preceding the participation in the Programme.

  3. Perform the necessary diagnostic tests required by the Infertility Treatment Act of 25 June 2015 and clinical standards. A referral for the tests will be issued during your medical appointment at TFP Fertility Vitrolive.

  4. Read the information and sign the consent to proceed with the in vitro fertilisation procedure at TFP Fertility Vitrolive; sign the declaration of participation in the health policy programme entitled "Programme for co-financing infertility treatment by means of in vitro fertilisation for 2019-2021 for residents of Szczecin" and the consent on personal data protection (RODO).

The decision to include a couple in the programme is made by a specialist gynaecologist-obstetrician with experience in infertility treatment on the basis of the criteria defined in the content of the programme and the Act of 25 June 2015 on infertility treatment.

5. Terms and conditions of the programme at TFP Fertility Vitrolive

The provision of services financed under the programme will take place until 30.11.2021.

At the moment, the contract with the Szczecin City Municipality guarantees the execution:

  • 58 treatment cycles in 2019

  • 28 treatment cycles in 2020

  • 28 cycles of treatment in 2021

TFP Fertility Vitrolive does not guarantee that every couple positively qualified for the programme will be able to benefit from the funding. If the funds granted by the Szczecin Municipality are exhausted, TFP Fertility Vitrolive will apply for their increase and the possibility of carrying out the programme for the waiting couples.

TFP Fertility Vitrolive also informs about the possibility of benefiting from participation in the health policy programme entitled "Programme of comprehensive protection of procreation health in Poland in 2016-2020" carried out by the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Pomeranian University of Medical Sciences in Szczecin at Unii Lubelskiej 1 Street (within the scope of health services financed by Szczecin Municipality consisting in support of couples, especially men, requiring highly specialist care and immunological diagnostics together with insemination support).

6. Details of the programme coordinator

The programme coordinator in our clinic is Anna Janicka, MD, PhD, Director for Quality and Development; e-mail: anna.janicka@tfp-fertility.com.

Information about the programme is also available on the website of the Szczecin City Hall.

You can also write to us, and we will contact you as soon as possible:

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