Co-founder of our clinic and Medical Director of TFP Fertility Poland
Prof Dr Rafał Kurzawa is the President of the Polish Society of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology, long-time Chairman of the Fertility and Infertility Section of the Polish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Chairman of the West Pomeranian Section of the Polish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, member of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), and member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). To share his knowledge with the public, he actively works as an expert at the Human Fertility Research Centre on educational and research projects aimed at promoting fertility preservation and infertility treatment. Since 2018, he is a partner at TFP, one of the largest consortia of fertility centres in Europe.
He graduated with honours from the Medical Faculty of the Pomeranian Medical Academy in 1992. He then worked as an assistant at the Pomeranian Medical Academy. He defended his dissertation in the field of embryology and reproductive medicine and received the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences. In 1996, he received the first and, in 1999 (after passing the examination with distinction), the second degree of specialisation in the field of gynaecology and obstetrics. The main areas of gynaecology he deals with include: comprehensive infertility treatment in couples (including endocrinology of infertility and assisted reproduction treatments) and gynaecological surgery. He is a multiple fellow of the University of Antwerp and the Free University of Brussels, which are among the leading institutions in the field of infertility treatment.
He co-founded the Laboratory of Assisted Reproduction at the Department of Gynecology and Reproductive Health, Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 PUM in Policach, for which he received the Pomeranian Medical University Rector's Award in 1998. Currently, he is Head of the Department of Gynecology and Reproductive Health at the Faculty of Health Sciences of Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin and is associated with the Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Gynecologic Oncology at Karol Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznan. In addition to clinical work, he is actively involved in research in the field of reproductive medicine.
He is the author of a number of scientific papers on infertility, often published in reputable medical journals. For his scientific activity, he was repeatedly awarded by the Rector of the Pomeranian Medical University. In 2002, he submitted his habilitation thesis titled "Optimization of extracorporeal culture. In 2002, he also submitted a postdoctoral thesis on "Optimization of extracorporeal breeding of mouse embryos including the role of selected growth factors" and was awarded a postdoctoral degree in medical sciences. In 2008, he obtained the most important European specialization degree in clinical embryology (Senior Clinical Embryologist) certified by the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
In 2009, he received a professorial appointment from the President of Poland. In 2015, he obtained the title of specialist in gynaecological endocrinology and reproduction. He successfully guided the TFP Fertility Vitrolive clinic through the integration process into the TFP European Fertility Agreement. Through his daily work with patients, he has helped thousands of couples to realize their dreams of parenthood.
Czy zaawansowany wiek ojcowski ma wpływ na sukces rozrodczy? Część I: Ocena wybranych parametrów seminologicznych – LINK
Czy zaawansowany wiek ojcowski ma wpływ na sukces rozrodczy? Część II: Rozwój zarodka, uzyskanie ciąży oraz zdrowie potomstwa – LINK
Medycyna wspomaganego rozrodu w Polsce – raport za rok 2012 Sekcji Płodności i Niepłodności Polskiego Towarzystwa Ginekologicznego (SPiN PTG) – LINK
Arachidonic and Linoleic Acid Derivatives Impact Oocyte ICSI Fertilization – A Prospective Analysis of Follicular Fluid and a Matched Oocyte in a ‚One Follicle – One Retrieved Oocyte – One Resulting Embryo‘ Investigational Setting – LINK
Assisted reproductive medicine in Poland, 2011 – SPiN PTG report – LINK
Polish Gynecological Society and Polish Society for Reproductive Medicine recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility – LINK
Patterns of infertility in Poland – multicenter study – LINK
The SLC19A1 80G>A polymorphism is not associated with male infertility – LINK
Cost-effectiveness of IVF infertility treatment in different legislative settings – LINK
The statement of Polish Gynecological Society experts about transdermal contraceptive patch – LINK
Association of the MDR1 (ABCB1) gene 3435C>T polymorphism with male infertility – LINK
The expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the testis and epididymis of rats with a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) deficiency – LINK
Radiotherapy versus radiochemotherapy with cisplatin in treatment of cervical cancer – LINK
Comparison of embryological and clinical outcome in GnRH antagonist vs. GnRH agonist protocols for in vitro fertilization in PCOS non-obese patients. A prospective randomized study – LINK
Protective potential of SCF for mice preimplantation embryos cultured in vitro in suboptimal conditions – LINK
Immunophenotypic profiles of peripheral blood lymphocytes on the day of embryo transfer in women undergoing in vitro fertilization – LINK
Biotechnological and clinical outcome of in vitro fertilization in non-obese patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome – LINK
Isolated severe hydrothorax with respiratory distress as a main manifestation of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome preceded by respiratory tract infection caused by Haemophilus influenza – LINK
Environmental factors disturbing fertility of men – LINK
Increased lipid peroxidation and ascorbic Acid utilization in testis and epididymis of rats chronically exposed to lead – LINK
Relation between anatomical courses of the intramural portions of the uterine tubes and pelvic endometriosis – LINK
Growth factors effects on preimplantation development of mouse embryos exposed to tumor necrosis factor alpha – LINK
Growth factors protect in vitro cultured embryos from the consequences of oxidative stress – LINK
Methods of embryo scoring in in vitro fertilization – LINK
Possible involvement of microtubules and microfilaments of the epididymal epithelial cells in 17beta-estradiol synthesis – LINK
Evaluation of mouse preimplantation embryos exposed to oxidative stress cultured with insulin-like growth factor I and II, epidermal growth factor, insulin, transferrin and selenium – LINK
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