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Dr Ewa Knap, MD

Member of the Polish Gynaecological Society


In 1999, she graduated with honours in medicine from the Pomeranian Medical University. From 2001-2009, she worked in the Department of Surgical Gynaecology of Gynaecological Oncology for Adults and Girls. During this time, she repeatedly participated in conferences and scientific symposia. She received the certificate of the USG section of the Polish Gynaecological Society.

She completed internships abroad twice in the UK. She conducted courses with students in the framework of an English-language programme. In 2010, she completed a specialisation in obstetrics and gynaecology. From 2009-2015, she worked at the Clinic of Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecology PUM, and from 2015, she was an employee of MSWiA Hospital in Szczecin, where she gained experience in the field of surgical gynaecology. She is actively on duty in the delivery room of the hospital in Gryfino and Stargard. She attended many courses in surgical gynaecology, colposcopy, ultrasound in gynaecology, obstetrics, and breast diseases.

Her professional interests vary between cervical pathology, gynaecological endoscopy - hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, surgical gynaecology, reproductive medicine, family planning, sexual health, and general obstetric-gynaecological ultrasound.


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