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Dr. Arne van Heusden

Gynaecologist and subspecialist in reproductive medicine


I am Arne van Heusden, gynaecologist and subspecialist in reproductive medicine.

I have been working at TFP MC Kinderwens since June 2015. I was happy to find a team here that wants to fully dedicate itself to the best treatment of every single patient, regardless of circumstance. 

In fact, everyone in the organisation is aware of the importance of doing everything possible to provide good care and treat the client as closely as possible to their wishes. This is a far-reaching and demanding process that is never 'finished'. It is this daily effort to keep the quality in our centre as high as possible that makes it a great job.

Who doesn't want to work hard to make a success of one of the most important things in a person's life? Besides the optimal guidance of people in our organisation, I am especially interested in the new technical developments that enable us to achieve our goal faster, more easily, less invasively, more clearly or above all more successfully: a satisfied and, above all, pregnant client.

What do I find important in my work? That it matters, that you can hear open and honest and sometimes very impressive stories from the clients and that together - doctor and client - you can be happy when things are going well. 


Let's talk fertility

Understand family growth options
in a consult with TFP experts in Leiderdorp.