


Fertility treatments

woman sitting, couple smiling, hands with gloves holding injections

We offer many different kinds of treatment, from conventional IVF, to fertility preservation, egg and sperm donation and surrogacy.

This section describes the treatments, outlining when you might use them and what will happen if you do.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

In conventional IVF at least 100,000 sperm must be placed with each egg to have a realistic chance of achieving fertilisation.

ICSI treatment involves the injection of a single sperm directly into each egg. The treatment leading up to and after ICSI is identical to the conventional IVF cycle.

ICSI treatment image

In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

This involves the fertilisation of eggs with sperm in an incubator in the laboratory.

IVF treatment requires more eggs than in a natural cycle so the ovaries are stimulated to increase the number of mature eggs available for fertilisation.

Eggcell IVF

Frozen embryo transfer

Spare embryos from your IVF treatment can be frozen for future use, depending on their quality. Frozen cycles are necessary for those wishing to use their previously stored embryos.

Frozen embryo transfer at TFP Fertility

Freezing – vitrification

Vitrification involves much more rapid cooling than other less advanced methods of freezing, and it prevents ice crystals from forming. This preserves the quality of the cells and improves the chances of success when they are thawed.

hands, cell

Sperm donation

People struggle to have children for many different reasons. By donating your sperm, you’ll be giving them the chance to conceive the child they’ve always wanted.

women laying down, mother and baby

Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)

Artificial insemination by partner requires a fresh sample of the partner’s sperm on the day of insemination. The semen is prepared and concentrated prior to placement in the uterus using a fine catheter (intra-uterine insemination).

IUI banner

Fertility preservation

A woman’s fertility is at its highest in her twenties, but for many women having a baby at this stage of life is not an option, and many are now planning to start families in their late 30s. It can get harder to conceive as a woman gets older; her chances of miscarriage also increase.

Fertility preservation at TFP Fertility

Surgical Sperm Retrieval (SSR)

Before IVF treatment begins, we carry out a semen analysis. Some men have sperm being manufactured in their testes, but not present in ejaculate when the semen is analysed. The problem can be caused by a blockage, or reduced sperm production. In these cases, we can collect sperm via surgical sperm retrieval. We can also use this method to collect sperm for men who have previously had a vasectomy, or a failed vasectomy reversal.

Lab procedure after the surgical sperm retrieval

In vitro maturation (IVM)

TFP Oxford Fertility offers mild IVF if it's right for you. This is where you take lower doses of medication over a smaller time frame. It reduces potential side effects and the cost of the treatment. It also reduces the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).

woman juggling oranges and woman smiling

Implantation failure

IVF and ICSI can be very successful treatment methods. However, some cycles don’t finish with successful implantation, even after a number of transfers with apparently good embryos. Also, sometimes a cycle achieves a conception, but the pregnancy doesn’t develop to term.

Dad holding child, plant


We offer acupuncture, a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine, using fine needles at specific sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes. The process of using the needles to stimulate sensory nerves under the skin and the muscles of the body focuses on rebalancing the body’s flow of energy.

massage oil on skin

Hormone Health and menopause

The body’s hormones are fundamental to everyday life. Changes in their balance need careful management, whether it be due to a medical condition or a specific stage of life. Hormone Health’s range of expertise means they can offer appropriate advice and treatments for women throughout their lives.

dry flowers, woman in a field of sunflowers

Genetic embryo testing

Genetic embryo testing is available at TFP Oxford Fertility. If you’d like to discuss the testing options available to you for your IVF cycle, please contact us.

Daughter examining mother

We offer additional services

Additional techniques and treatments (Add Ons) are optional extras that are available to you in addition to your normal fertility treatment. These have extra costs associated with them. TFP Oxford Fertility aims to provide the best evidence-based additional techniques, but they are not suitable for all patient groups and we recommend patients research them before making a decision.

baby hand holding adult hand


Ready to start your fertility journey? We're here for you

Schedule an appointment to start your fertility journey with us.